Monday, June 20, 2005

No... I feel no anger for what has happened to me. I feel no anger about what they did to me. I guess it is the Catholic thing the messiah complex - God forgive them they know not...

I do not like to be angry, but at least I can recognize injustice and feel moved to do this blog.

But Hell YES am i angry at the State for doing what they do in general to the minorities specifically. If you do not think there is a well-thought-out plan, a reason that the prison population is mostly minorities and if you also think you are sane, rational and informed, I have to let you know that you are missing one of those hallmarks of citizenship.

1 comment:

Ward of the State said...

I invite any readers to give us their thoughts as to why minorities fill the prisons in this country; and why it is that this country has the highest per capita rate of incarceration in the world.

Then, I can tell you why. And in weeks that follow I will write of cells, dorms and bunkbeds; showers, stalls and privacy; mistreatment by the state and how 1000 men live together month after month, year after year while trying to keep some self respect - and believe me it gets out of hand. The only thing that stays in hand is Palmer's lotion and your dick - everything else gets crazy!